Saturday, 5 May 2012

Beginning of World War 1

For those who don't know, I'm obsessed with history , especially the world wars.Any way that is a map of Europe in 1917 during World War 1. the first world war started when some Serbian school boys assassinated the arch-duke and his wife, leader of the  Austria-Hungarian empire. Austria-Hungary  was always looking for a excuse to declare war on Serbia so when that happened they invaded Serbia so, being there allies, Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany was always looking for a way to start a war so they declared war on Russia but Russia's ally,     France,declared war on Germany.  To get to France, Germany invaded Belgium. The British empire was allied with Belgium so they declared on Germany. Soon after, all of the dominions of the British empire, including Canada, was at war to. Later on U.S. joined on Britain's side and the Ottoman empire(Turkey)on the side of the Germans. Both sides dug trenches that they would be sitting in for the next 4 years. So there you have it,the most bloody war of there time.